Simple DOs and DON’Ts For Workers Compensation Petitioners

The Illinois Workers Compensation Act has been developed and refined through the years. The basic premise remains the same: the laws were enacted to protect workers who are injured on the job. If you are injured on the job in Illinois, employers are required to provide you with medical treatment and to pay you for any time you miss from work, which is called Temporary Total Disability (or TTD). At the end of the case you are also owed a lump sum award or settlement amount for Permanent Partial Disability (or PPD).  Through proper Disability Claim Application, there are also awards and/or settlement amounts for those workers who are no longer able to work (permanent total disability) or are unable work their previous job and thus earning less (wage differential).

Unfortunately, many workers do not know their rights and some employers and/or insurance companies will not go out of their way to make sure those rights are fulfilled. I always recommend injured workers contact a workers’ compensation attorney to discuss their rights and to make sure they are receiving all of the benefits owed to them under the law. Below is a simple list of DOs and DONT’s if you happen to be injured at work:

-Do report the incident to your employer (or supervisor) immediately, both orally and in writing

-Do seek medical treatment immediately or as soon as

-Do have your doctor list any work restrictions in writing
and forward to your employer

-Do contact a workers’ compensation attorney to discuss your legal options

-Do not disobey your doctor’s orders regarding treatment,
restrictions or return to work

-Do not miss any doctors or therapy appointments unless

-Do not forget to inform your workers comp attorney when
your doctor sends you back to work

-Do not forget to inform your workers comp attorney when
your doctor releases you from care

If you or someone you love has been injured on the job and believes they have an Illinois workers compensation case, then call Chicago workers compensation attorney Aaron Bryant for a free consultation at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website at

DOs And DON’Ts When Involved In A Car Accident

If you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a car accident, there are some very simple steps to take to make sure your rights are protected. I have made a list of DOs and DON’Ts when involved in a car crash. Please take a look at the list below and always
call a personal injury attorney to discuss your options because I can guarantee you the other driver’s insurance company does not have your best interests in mind when reviewing the case. Insurance companies are only worried about their bottom line, which means they will attempt to save as much money on your case as possible. 

-Do notify the authorities immediately after the auto accident.

-Do get names, addresses, license plate, phone numbers and insurance information of the drivers and witnesses of the car accident.

-Do take photographs of the accident scene and your damaged vehicle.

-Do take photographs of any bruises or injuries to your body.

-Do seek medical treatment if necessary and take care of your injuries.

-Do keep track of all medical providers and lost time from work due to your injuries.

-Do not give any recorded statements to the defendant’s insurance company.

-Do not negotiate or accept any settlement from the insurance company until you have completed medical treatment.

-Call a car accident lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your options.

-Do not wait to seek medical treatment. If you are injured, seek treatment immediately. 

If you or someone you love has been involved in a Chicago car accident or Chicago truck accident, then call Chicago personal injury attorney, Aaron Bryant, for a free consultation at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website at

“Stop For Pedestrians” Signs Being Installed Throughout Chicago

I previously wrote about
a Chicago ordinance enacted last year that requires Chicago drivers to come to
complete stops at pedestrian crosswalks. Pedestrian safety has been an issue
that Mayor Emanuel has put to the forefront on several occasions. This ordinance
along with the speeder cameras in school zones have been a top priority for
Emanuel’s administration to help cut back in the number of vehicle pedestrian accidents

The Chicago
 reported this week that the city has begun installing signs  warn motorists that a state law requires drivers
to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.  The first of the signs were
installed Tuesday. The department is installing 50 signs in areas suggested by
aldermen where pedestrians and autos “can come into conflict,” including near
schools, parks, public transit and hospitals, according to a release.  The
signs are 4 feet high and warn motorists that state law requires them to stop
for pedestrians in a crosswalk.

I think
it will be important to see if there is a dramatic drop in vehicle pedestrian accidents once these signs are installed. I think it is fair to say that many
drivers often ignore pedestrian crosswalks throughout the city. Hopefully these
signs along with the threat of a ticket will act as a deterrent for drivers to
come to complete stops.

If you
or someone you love has been involved in a Chicago car accident or Chicago truck accident, then call Chicago personal injury attorney, Aaron Bryant, for a
free consultation at 31-588-3384 or go to the firm website at  

Massachusetts Teen Charged With Vehicular Homicide After Texting And Driving

In a historic court
ruling, Massachusetts teen Aaron Deveau was
found guilty for vehicular manslaughter after texting while driving and his vehicle swerved across the center line and
crashed head on into Donald
 Bowley‘s truck, killing the 55-year-old father of three.  Deveau was charged with motor vehicle homicide and negligent
operation of a motor vehicle, using a mobile phone while operating a motor
vehicle, reading or sending an electronic message, a marked lanes violation,
and two counts of negligent operation and injury from mobile phone use.
 After being found guilty Deveau
 was sentenced to 2 years in prison and his drivers
license was suspended for 15 years.  

This is
historic for many reasons. First, it is the first defendant to be charged with
vehicular manslaughter for causing a death while texting and driving. Second,
and more importantly, this sends a message that this type of negligent behavior
 is no longer going to to be tolerated by district
attorney’s offices. I have written many times in the past that texting and
driving will not be taken seriously by  drivers until they know that they
will face stiffer penalties. Specifically, I have suggested tougher penalties
for driver’s who have caused injuries while using their cell phones in their
vehicles. Massachusetts was the first to step up and enforce their laws. We
will have to wait and see if other district attorneys offices take the same
steps. Also, it will be interesting to see if texting and driving accidents
actually go down now that drivers know that they will face severe

If you
or someone you love has been seriously injured in a
 Chicago car accident or Chicago truck accident, then call Chicago personal injury
attorney Aaron Bryant for a
 free consultationat

IL Governor Quinn Signs New Cell Phone Ban Into Law

 The Illinois legislature
and Governor Quinn continue their quest to protect drivers and pedestrians with
a new law that bans 
it illegal for drivers to make calls with a hand-held phone within 500 feet of
an accident scene where emergency vehicles have flashing lights, except for
reporting emergencies. It also bans sending picture and video messages while
driving at any time.   Supporters say it would reduce the risk of
careless drivers hitting accident victims or emergency personnel. Cell phone
use by drivers already is banned in construction and school zones. 
 It is also illegal in Illinois to text or email on your cell phone while

I do
not know the specifics or the genesis of this bill but I imagine it serves
several purposes. First, when drivers are passing by an accident they tend to
be distracted by the flashing lights and all of the commotion from the
accident. Banning cell phone use I believe is an attempt to prevent an already
distracting driving situation. Second, there may be some concern with blocked
lines and airwaves with emergency personnel and responders. Regardless, this
was necessary action taken by the legislature and will hopefully lead to safer
roads and less car accidents.

you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a Chicago car accident or
Chicago truck accident, then call Chicago personal injury attorney Aaron Bryant
for a free consultation at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website
style=”font-size: 12pt; font-family: ‘Times New Roman’, serif; “>

Are Chicago’s Pedestrian Safety Laws Protecting Walkers?

wrote last year
about Rham Emanuel’s pledge to make Chicago’s streets safer at crosswalks for
pedestrians.  The stricter ordinance enacted by the city required drivers
come to a complete stop when pedestrians are walking through a cross walk. This
was a significant step taken by the mayor and the city to help prevent
vehicle-pedestrian accidents.  Unfortunately, as the Chicago
 reported last month, the new law has not achieved the desired
results.  A spokesperson for the Chicago department of transportation was
quoted as saying, we’ve
seen a change in behavior.  A little bit. Somewhere less than 10
percent are usually stopping,” she said. It gets better, up to 30 or 40
percent, at places where police actually enforce the law.”

what will it take to force drivers to come to complete stops at crosswalks?
 I think this is similar to the problem with texting and driving. I
believe there must be stiffer penalties, especially when a pedestrian is
injured. I do no believe drivers change their habits until they know they face
stronger repercussions. Do the penalties need to be as strong as a first time
DUI (class A misdemeanor)? Probably not. But I don’t think the behaviors
will change until there are stiffer penalties
 such as higher fines. 

you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a Chicago car accident or
Chicago vehicle-pedestrian accident, then call Chicago personal injury attorney
Aaron Bryant for a free consultation at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website
style=”font-size: 12pt; font-family: ‘Times New Roman’, serif; “>

Study Shows War Veterans More Likely To Be Involved In Car Accidents

The Chicago
 reported last month about a study done by USAA insurance
company about the frequency of auto accidents by veterans of the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan.  The study revealed that war veterans are involved in 13%
more car accidents than the rest of the driving population in the 6 months
months after returning home.

USAA found that
soldiers took the driving style that kept them alive on the streets of Baghdad
and Kabul and applied it to the suburban roads at home.  The results were
most dramatic for returning members of the Army and Marines, whose accident
rates rose 23 percent and 12.5 percent, respectively. (Rates were up 3 percent
for the Navy and 2 percent for the Air Force).

USAA found
“objects in the road” to be the most cited of the 13 accident causes
it studied.  The insurer also found a direct correlation between the
number of deployments and the rate of traffic accidents — those deployed three or more
times had 36 percent more incidents, those deployed twice had 27 percent more
and those deployed only once had 12 percent more car accidents. A 2009 military
study found that, since 2001, deployments for reservists had averaged from 8 to
14 months in duration.  There was also correlation by age (soldiers under
22 were involved in more car wrecks than those over 29) and by rank (the more
senior a soldier the lower the number of accidents).

USAA stated in their
study that they have shared their study with the government and traffic safety
groups. USAA’s study also stated that they are taking steps to make veterans
aware of the safety risks of driving after returning home from war. USAA did
not actually state what steps they are taking or how they making veterans more
aware of accident risks when they begin driving at home.  I would be
interested in learning what specific actions USAA are taking.

This is another
example of difficult adjustments soldiers must take when returning from war.

If you or someone you love
has been seriously injured in a Chicago car accident or Chicago truck accident,
then call Chicago personal injury attorney Aaron Bryant for a free consultation
at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website at

Are Self-Driving Cars The Wave Of The Future?

The Uk-Telegraph reported
today about an interesting development by auto-makers such as General Motors
who have announced that self-driving cars could be on the market within the
next ten years. 
Boules, General Motors’ director of electrical and controls integrated
research, stated that most of the requirements for semi-autonomous driving are
already in place. Those features include Radar, Lidar and camera systems, which
provide modern safety features such as blind-spot recognition, lane-departure
warnings and collision mitigation, could go most of the way to equipping a car
that could drive itself on motorways. Boules stated, “
 If you combine these elements and take each of
them to an extreme, we could have a car that can’t crash and a car that can
drive itself.

to Boules, fully autonomous self-driving cars could be in the market within the
next 10 years as well. Boules mentioned that the benefits of fully
autonomous self-driving cars are in easing congestion, eliminating traffic
lights and conventional road junctions, as cars will guide themselves through
while avoiding traffic, and the reduction of weight as these “crash-proof”
vehicles will not need crash-safety structures.  

I want to know is whether this will it lead to less car accidents. Also, are
people willing to give up the thrill and enjoyment of driving even if it is
safer to let the computers take over.  I think the answer to this is probably not.
Further, GM and other auto makers need to consider the aesthetics of these
vehicles. I think people take more pride in the car they drive and the way it
looks versus the novelty a mini-machine that is run by computer chips. Regardless,
this is an interesting development to follow, especially any research involving
road safety and vehicle accidents

Another issue to consider is what would happen if something in the computer system fails, which causes a traumatic car crash that leads to serious injuries that is of no fault to the driver? Most likely, the auto-makers would be on the hook for the damages based on a product liability claim. Would the auto-makers try to point the finger at the driver in these situation? No doubt this could become an issue and a claim could be tied up in Court while the injured party is left waiting to be compensated for his or her injuries. 

you or someone you love has been involved in a Chicago car accident or Chicagotruck accident, then call Chicago personal injury attorney, Aaron Bryant for a
free consultation at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website at 
style=”font-size: 12pt; font-family: ‘Times New Roman’, serif; “>

Illinois Dept. Of Transportation Lists Chicago 20 Most Dangerous Intersections

The Chicago Tribune recently
published an article regarding Illinois Department of Transportation’s list of
the 20 most dangerous intersections in the Chicago metro area. That list can be
viewed here.  

The obvious theme at all of these
intersections is clear: The more traffic at each of these intersection equates
to more traffic accidents. The question remains as to what can be done to
improve the safety at each of these intersections. There doesn’t seem to be a
clear consensus by experts or lawmaker.  “There’s a whole host of factors
that need to be studied before any changes can be made,” , Illinois Department of Transportation spokesman
Tridgell . “If you’re adding existing controls or signals
at one intersection, you could see negative impacts elsewhere.”

“The No. 1 thing a motorist can do is obey the speed limit,
traffic signs and signals and just always be aware of the presence and
vulnerability of pedestrians and cyclists, everywhere in the city,” said
Amanda Woodall, policy expert with the Active Transportation Alliance.

In 2007, red light cameras were installed to help make the
intersections safer. As I have discussed on this blog in the past, there are
mixed reviews on the red light cameras.  The city of Chicago has claimed
that car accidents are down on areas where the cameras have been installed.
Independent studies have said the opposite. Their studies conclude that
intersection with red light cameras are actually more dangerous than before.

At least the data is available and the department of
transportation can study what is making these specific intersections more
dangerous than others (other than the heavy volume of traffic). Hopefully
positive changes can be made.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a Chicago caraccident or Chicago truck accident, then call Chicago personal injury attorney,
Aaron Bryant, for a free consultation at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm
website at

Chicago City Council Passes Speed Camera Ordinance

The Chicago Trubune reported this week that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s controversial speeder camera law was finally passed by alderman. The vote was approved 33 to 14. The law did not pass without a few changes by Emanuel, who had received criticism by the press and by constituents, who suggested the cameras were money making opportunity by the city. Emanuel, who has claimed from day one that these were aimed to save children’s lives, made a few changes to the law before the vote. First, the cameras hours of operation will be limited from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, near schools and parks. Second, the fine for speeders driving 6 to 10 mph over the speed limit will see a fine of $35 rather than $50.

Most interestingly here is that Emanuel admitted that the research initially used by his office was faulty. He admitted it was “error-ridden” and should not have been released. Specifically, the Chicago Tribune previously reported that the cameras would show a 26% decrease in accidents rather than the 60% suggested by the mayor’s office.
I hope this idea works and people are mindful when driving near schools and parks. I can predict right now that my office is going to be flooded with calls from people who receive these tickets asking if there is anything to dispute the fine. A small portion of my practice is dedicated to criminal and traffic defense and I am certain I will receive calls from people asking if there is anything can be done to fight the ticket. The answer is no. These tickets are not traffic violations and they do not go on your driving ticket. These are more comparable to a parking ticket. The fines have to be paid (or risk having your drivers license suspended) but there is not effect on ones driving record or insurance.
Let’s hope we see the elimination of vehicle-pedestrian accidents outside of schools and parks in Chicago.
If you or someone you love has been involved in a Chicago vehicle-pedestrian accident or Chicago car accident, then car Chicago personal injury attorney, Aaron Bryant, for a free consultation at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website at