Are Rock Hauling Trucks Dangerous For Other Motorists?

CBS Chicago had an
interesting report this week discussing the dangers involved with over the road
trucks that carry large hauls of rocks around town. According to Illinois law
all trucks carrying loads with material that can escape the truck, must be
covered with a tarp. 

law requires falling or escaping material and certain types of loads to be
covered by a tarp. McCook Police Chief Frank Wolfe says this also applies to
peak loads. “That’s when it should be tarped, because a condition now exists
that a stone could come off that truck,” Wolfe said. It really is the
responsibility of each individual driver to put a tarp over their load, Wolfe
said. His department is working to enforce the law. “We issue citations,”
he said. Fines can be as high as $500. “Their bosses should be out
here checking on the drivers,” said the man whose windshield was cracked. “It’s
just outrageous.”

is a nice report and good to bring attention to this issue, but I have not read
anywhere that this is an epidemic causing car accidents in the Chicago area or
anywhere else. Regardless, if a truck does not have its load covered with a
tarp and material flies out and cracks a windshield (and potentially causing a
more serious car crash), then the truck driver and trucking company should be
held responsible. This is a negligent act that can easily be avoided if you chose the best Trucking Companies In Texas.     

you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a Chicago truck accident
or Chicago car accident, then call Chicago personal injury attorney, Aaron
Bryant, for a free legal consultation at 312-588-3384.

DOs And DON’Ts When Involved In A Car Accident

If you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a car accident, there are some very simple steps to take to make sure your rights are protected. I have made a list of DOs and DON’Ts when involved in a car crash. Please take a look at the list below and always
call a personal injury attorney to discuss your options because I can guarantee you the other driver’s insurance company does not have your best interests in mind when reviewing the case. Insurance companies are only worried about their bottom line, which means they will attempt to save as much money on your case as possible. 

-Do notify the authorities immediately after the auto accident.

-Do get names, addresses, license plate, phone numbers and insurance information of the drivers and witnesses of the car accident.

-Do take photographs of the accident scene and your damaged vehicle.

-Do take photographs of any bruises or injuries to your body.

-Do seek medical treatment if necessary and take care of your injuries.

-Do keep track of all medical providers and lost time from work due to your injuries.

-Do not give any recorded statements to the defendant’s insurance company.

-Do not negotiate or accept any settlement from the insurance company until you have completed medical treatment.

-Call a car accident lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your options.

-Do not wait to seek medical treatment. If you are injured, seek treatment immediately. 

If you or someone you love has been involved in a Chicago car accident or Chicago truck accident, then call Chicago personal injury attorney, Aaron Bryant, for a free consultation at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website at

Is Driving With A Cold As Dangerous As Drinking And Driving?

The UK Telegraph reported
this week that recent studies performed by Cardiff University and the Young
Marmalade insurance company showed that driving with a cold or flu can be just
hazardous as drinking alcohol and

A small scale trial was performed
which showed that drivers that had a cold or the flu had much 
slower reaction times and breaking
became much more frequent. It needs to be pointed out that 
neither Young Marmalade or
Cardiff University provided any statistics or numbers that resulted from
their study. Also, apparently the slower reaction times were not a result of
cold medicine but rather a lack of sleep, which made sick drivers less

The findings back up
work done by Cardiff University Common Cold Unit which showed that those with
colds and flu suffered from poor reaction times and alertness and were a third
more likely to hit the roadside curb.

Halfords Winter
Driving Expert Mark Dolphin said: “We want our customers to stay safe. You
shouldn’t drive if you are not feeling well. The best place to be when you have
flu or a heavy cold is at home, but if you really must go out, get someone else
to take you and avoid driving.

This is an interesting
study that I think has some merit, but I think I would like to see more
concrete statistics and a more widespread study that tests a larger control

If you or someone you
know has been seriously injured in a Chicago car accident or Chicago truck accident, then call Chicago personal injury attorney Aaron Bryant for a free consultation or go to the firm website at

Cook County Watchdog Group Finds Hidden Flaws In Trucks

The Chicago Sun Times reported this week that a Cook County watchdog group, led by Cook County Inspector General Patrick Blanchard, found that the County was has been hiding multiple flaws in trucks so that they will pass inspection. Many of the practices used by the County highway department include: installing new tires on snow truck during inspections and then having them removed; not supplying each truck with a fire extinguisher; and vehicles used for repairing potholes not having an up-to-date vehicle inspection sticker.

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle to the Sun Times that the person overseeing these issues was not living up to his duties and is no longer in the position.  Rupert Graham, the highway superintendent appointed to the job under former board president Todd Stroger, stepped down in August of this year.

It is not clear whether any of the hidden faults in the County’s fleet of trucks caused any vehicle accidents. At least it was not mentioned in the report or in the Sun Times article. It is also not clear as to what steps the County will be taking to make sure all of their vehicles up to code and in safe working condition. My opinion is that Board President Preckwinkle has been accountable on a lot of issues since taking office and that she will start taking the appropriate steps to make sure vehicles are better equipped and pass inspection.

Cook County Sheriff Dept Teaching Dangers of Texting & Driving

CBS Chicago reported earlier this week that Cook County Sheriff, Tom Dart, and his department are traveling around to area high schools to preach the dangers of texting and driving. As we have learned through different studies the last few years, texting and driving can be equally as dangerous as drinking and driving. The Sheriffs used two important tools to drive this point home. The first was a driving simulator, which gave the students a first person view point of what can happen when texting and driving. They also show a video to students called “The Last Text,” which gives real life accounts of the dangers of texting and driving. You can watch the short film by clicking here and scrolling to the bottom of the page.

It is amazing to me how times have changed. When I was in high school in the 90s, we had similar programs every year about the dangers of drinking and driving. Life for students who drive has become even more dangerous now that just about every teenager has a cell phone. It is not just kids who like to text and drive, which is why it is important that the Sheriff’s department and others are spreading the word to young people about its’ danger.  Hopefully this strong message at a young age will help them make safe decisions while driving as they get older.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a Chicago car accident or Chicago truck accident, then call Chicago injury attorney, Aaron Bryant, for a free consultation at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website at

Chicago Honor Student Charged For Alleged Deadly Vehicular Crash

The Chicago Sun Times reports that a Chicago teenager and honor student, Marquis Harrison, has been charged with the vehicular death of Chicago 911 dispatcher Marciea Adkins.  The 16 year old admitted he was drunk on vodka and high on marijuana and ecstasy when he stole a car and crashed into a 911 police dispatcher, killing her as he tried to elude officers, authorities said Monday.

Adkins was driving home after her shift, said Roderick Drew, a spokesman for the city’s Office of Emergency Management and Communication.  Harrison is an honors student, basketball player and quarterback of the football team at Urban Prep Charter Academy’s East Garfield Park campus.

During Sunday’s police chase, Harrison ran through a stop sign at Armitage and Hoyne avenues and slammed the silver 2004 Range Rover he allegedly stole into Adkins’ car, causing it to careen into a fire hydrant, Costello said.

Emergency workers had to extricate Adkins from her car before she was transported to Illinois Masonic Medical Center, where she succumbed to her injuries.

This is a tragis story obviously because of the pointless loss of Ms. Adkins, an innocent bystander. It is also tragic because Harrison, a promising young man, who apparently excelled both academically and athletically, will most likely lead the life as a felon, all for a pointless joy ride. I hate discussing stories such as these but they are all too common of a tale in a city the size of Chicago.

If you or someone you love is a victim of a Chicago car accident or Chicago truck accident, then call Chicago personal injury attorney, Aaron Bryant, for a free consultation at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website at

Dangerous Car Accidents Occured In Chicago Over The Weekend

Snow, sleet and ice hit the Chicago area over the weekend, but police are saying the weather did not appear to be the cause of a huge nine (9) vehicle car crash . The car accident  took place on Sunday morning on the Dan Ryan highway near the Bridgeport neighborhood. According to Chicago Breaking News , six (6) people were taken to the hospital due to the car crash.  It was the second multi-vehicle accident that took place in Chicago over the weekend.

Regardless of the cause of the accident, remember to be wary of winter weather and black ice. Winter is not over and the roads are always dangerous.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a Chicago car accident or Chicago truck accident , then call Chicago car accident attorney , Aaron J. Bryant, for a free consultation  at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website at

NTSB Holds Forum On Elderly Drivers

The New York Times reported last week that the National Traffic Safety Board (NTS would be holding a forum on the state of elderly drivers.

“This is the first time we’re spotlighting aging drivers,” said Bridget Serchak, a spokeswoman for the board. “We’re looking to see what can be done with highway design, vehicle design, state programs and policies — things that affect all of us as we age.”

The driving summit will include academic and medical researchers, industry leaders, law enforcement officials, safety experts and advocacy groups like AARP.  

This is an important subject that garners this type of attention. It will be interesting to see if any new legislation will be proposed from these meetings, including stricter testing requirements for aging drivers.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a Chicago car accident  or Chicago truck accident , then call Chicago personal injury attorney , Aaron Bryant, for a free consultation  at 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website at

Park Ridge, Illinois Considerig Its Own Ban On Cell Phone Ban While Driving

After passing on a cell phone ban late last year, Park Ridge is now considering its own law that would forbid drivers from using any hand held device while driving.

This is a growing trend in the area after Chicago, Evanston and Winnetka have all enacted bans on the use of hand held devices within the past year.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Stephanie Kunz, a nurse and Park Ridge resident, asked aldermen to reconsider a ban on using hand-held devices while driving. Aldermen agreed to discuss the idea at their committee-of-the-whole meeting Monday. Kunz called such a measure “a very smart (way) to promote public safety.”

This seems to be a popular trend for local lawmakers, and I foresee many town falling in line by enacting their own cell phone bans.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a Chicago car accident  or Chicago truck accident , then call Chicago accident attorney  Aaron Bryant for a free consultation and 312-588-3384 or go to the firm website at

New Illinois Traffic Laws Take Effect On January 1

In the past several months I have written about several new traffic laws enacted by Illinois legislators this year. Some of these include a ban on texting while driving, an increase in highway speed limits for trucks and increased fees and penalties for driving on a suspended license.

The Illinois Secretary of State has made a list of all the new laws, which you can find here.

Have a happy and safe New Year and be ready on the roads for these new laws.

If you or someone you know has been involved in an Illinois car accident or Illinois truck accident, then call attorney Aaron Bryant for a free consultation at 312-588-3384.