11 Injured In CTA Bus Accident On Chicago’s South Side

A CTA bus traveling on Ashland on Chicago’s South side apparently drove into a light pole at 7:30 this morning. The accident injured 10 passengers and the driver. 2 are believed to be in critical condition, 8 in fair condition and 1 in good condition. There are no reports as to what caused the driver to crash into the light pole.

To read the complete story in the Chicago Sun Times, click here.

If you or someone you know have been involved in an accident on a CTA bus or train, then call Chicago Attorney Aaron Bryant  at 312-588-3384 for a free consultation.

New Study Shows Texting While Driving Increases Auto Accident Rates Tenfold

I think we have all experienced the following situation in the past. You are driving along and you receive a new email or text message on your Blackberry or IPhone. The temptation is there to read the message and even type a response. I have been in that situation countless times returning from Court or even during a long road trip. We all need to face the fact that returning that text is dangerous and can even be deadly. This has been confirmed in a new study performed by the Virginia Tech Traffic Institute, which revealed last week that when drivers texted, their collision risk was 23 times greater than when not texting.  In the moments before a car crash or near crash, drivers typically spent nearly five seconds looking at their devices — enough time at typical highway speeds to cover more than the length of a football field.

This is scary information and it has led me to re-think ever responding to a text or email while driving. So, the next time you are cruising around town, please ignore that text or email until you have a chance to stop your car or pull over. It could save your life and prevent auto accident.

To read more about the study reported on by the New York Times, click here.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a car or trucking accident, then call auto accident attorney Aaron Bryant for a free consultation at 312-588-3384.

Chicago Law Firms Filing Suits Over Cemetery Reburial Scheme

The worst nightmare came true for many families on the Southside as they recently learned that their loved ones were not actually buried in the location that they originally believed at Burr Oak Cemetery in Alsip, Illinois. Lawsuits have already been filed for many of victims.  It will be interested to see how the attorneys for the victims quantify their injuries and how long it will take the cemetery to gather the remains for all of the family members and return them to the rightful place.

To read more about this tragic story and the lawsuits, click here.

If you or someone you know has been in involved in an accident, then call attorney Aaron Bryant for a free consultation at 312-588-3384.

Governor Quinn Repeals CTA Notice Requirement

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn recently signed into law a repeal of tSection 41, the notice requirement for law suits against the CTA. This was a huge victory for injured victims. This Draconian law required a very detailed notice to the CTA within 6 months of the date of their accident. The notice requirement was used as a tactic to weed out lawsuits rather than use it as an investigative tool, which is why the legislation was originally enacted. Illinois case law showed that the CTA often used this notice requirement as a way to have cases dismissed when they did not meet the very particular notice requirements, often leaving innocent injury victims out of luck when trying to make an injury  claim against the CTA.

There are 2 important  things to remember about the effects of the new law. First, if your accident occurred on or before June 1, 2009, then the notice requirement is still in effect. Second, suits against the CTA still must be filed within 1 year of the accident.  This is shorter than the normal 2 year statute of limitations for most personal injury actions in Illinois.

To read more about the repeal of Section 41, click here

If you or someone you know was involved in an accident on a CTA bus or train, then call Attorney Aaron Bryant at 312-388-3384 for a free consultation.

October is the deadliest month for drivers

A new report from the University of Michigan Transportation Safety Institute in Ann Arbor has concluded that October is the deadliest month on the road for drivers. No single reason could be pinpointed for this trend. The study was done between 1994 and 2006.

If you are involved in a car accident, contact The Bryant Law Group for a free consultation, 312-588-3384.  To read more about this study, click here