Chicago Sun Times Publishes Editorial On Traffic Cameras

The Chicago Sun-Times published an editorial yesterday stating that red light and speed cameras should only be used if they make our streets safer. “If red-light and speed cameras don’t have the trust of law-abiding motorists, the program is not being administered properly. Whoever is the next mayor should ensure Chicago streets are as safe – and as fair to motorists – as possible.”

I think we all agree with what the Sun-Times staff has pontificated. If red light cameras and speeder cameras save lives, then they should remain intact. If not, then they should be removed.  The problem with the editorial and with the red light cameras is that they do not actually make our streets safer for both drivers and pedestrians. The Chicago Tribune study that I have discussed over and over concluded there is a zero net impact on the red light cameras. T-bone car crashes are down but rear-end traffic accidents actually increased 22% since the cameras have been installed. If we believe the study to be true, then red light cameras should be removed. They are not preventing auto accidents overall and are not making our intersections safer.

On the other hand, speeder cameras are still fairly new. Mayor Emanuel installed them within the last two years and I have to see any data or studies as to their net effect on public safety. On their face, speeder cameras make sense. Why shouldn’t the city do what they can to prevent speeders from barreling through school zone and city park areas? But if there is no overall decrease in car accidents and pedestrian accidents, then I believe it should be questioned whether the speeder cameras should remain.

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured in a Chicago car accident or Chicago truck accident, then call Chicago personal injury attorney, Aaron Bryant, for a free legal consultation at 312-614-1076.